Discover the heart and journey behind Gia's Hope, rooted in faith and compassion.
Gia's Hope is a tiny but mighty 501c(3) non-profit that was started in 2019 from the seed of the legacy of our daughter’s beautiful life. Our Gianna Lilyfaith, who was adopted from China at age 2 with a half of a heart, moved to heaven 6 years ago at the age of 6. Her life, though too short on earth, was a life that fully displayed God’s miracles, glory and beauty. Her life taught and continues to teach us that HOPE is worth the fight, and LOVE is worth the risk to lay your life down for another.
Our Gianna Lilyfaith’s life of hope, bravery, love and light continues to bloom more miracles of hope and love around the world. It’s an honor to get to be a vehicle of God’s goodness to a world that needs more hope. God has taken the most broken and painful part of our story and has transformed it into a beautiful mission of purpose and beauty like only HE can. Jesus is our redeemer and because of HIS life, death on a cross and resurrection, we are no longer slaves to despair…but we have THIS LIVING HOPE (1 Peter 1:3) and this HOPE has been what has been the driving force behind Gia's Hope
Though our Gianna was born with only half of a heart, she knew who her Savior was, and she gave her whole heart and life to Him. And so her HOPE was not lost just because she lost an earthly battle. Our Gianna is alive forever because Jesus lives! The JOY of this hope and this truth of eternal Joy propels us forward to share HOPE with the most vulnerable, lost, broken and hurting. What started as an initiative and goal to give grants to families adopting children with special needs has blossomed into a garden of love that has burst forth a harvests of love to the world in various missions.
And none of these miracles could be possible without the LOVE of our community and your partnership in this dream. Your gifts have been multiplied into 6 years of beautiful miracles! This is the gift of the church, the village, the community coming together in LOVE to plant seeds of hope! And, we are beyond grateful and humbled for your help and we are blessed to witness God move in such amazing ways through your love.
It's our mission to shine God’s HOPE to the broken, hurting, poor, orphaned and vulnerable ones in our community and around the world through the 4 branches of our purpose.