GIA'S Hope







Who We Are

Witnessing hope.

We are a 501(c)3 Foundation based on Psalm 27:13

I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. - Psalm 27:13

Through our Gia’s life, God has shown us His truth, even in our deepest valleys of death! GIA'S Hope embodies the truth that God’s goodness is rising up because our Jesus lives and death and despair don’t have the final say!

Our Beginnings

All of the miracles that have happened through our foundation have all been done because of Jesus' gift of forgiveness and eternal life, in honor of our bravest heart warrior, Gianna Lilyfaith, whose forever heartbeat sings a story of wild hope! What a joy and honor to see goodness arise and hope bloom! Jesus' Love changes everything! We are so thankful to see God continuing to write a story of Hope through our beautiful Gianna's life!

Our Mission

To witness goodness arising by shining God’s light, and hope for the most broken, hurting, poor, orphaned and vulnerable ones around the world.

We thank God and always pray for opportunities to come alongside the marginalized and show them Jesus' love, which is the ultimate goal of everything we do. This is all done because of Jesus and in honor of our bravest heart warrior, Gianna Lilyfaith.

With your help, we can continue to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

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Our Family

Its always an honor and privledge to get to share and steward the story of God's hope and goodness in our life, even in the most darkest seasons.

We shared our family's story on these various podcasts

  1. Through the shadow of death (interview with Terri Hitt)
  2. You Cant be afraid of Broken: Interview with Davey Blackburn (Nothing is Wasted Podcast)
  3. Beauty is rising: Interview with Kelli Belt Part 1:
  4. Beauty is rising: Interview with Kelli Belt Part 2: